Monday, March 23, 2009


Well, well, we are home from wonderful sunny AZ! It was 90 degrees all weekend! We had a blast! Thursday we spent the day at Jean and Dennise's pool with Sue and Cliff, Cindy, Lacey and Paulie. We went to the baseball game on Friday, watched griffey hit a home run, drank lots of alchoholic beverages and met my doggy neice and nephews! Saterday we relaxed at Danielles pool all day and drank more. We also enjoyed some Sake bombers and pizza. Thank you everyone who made this such a fun vacation, Arizona- we will be back!

You feed me aunty and I'll feed you!

Me, Brian, Chad and Danielle

Amya playing in the water...She loves it!

Sisters, cheers to Arizona and nice weather!

Having fun with daddy

Super model

Hey Griffey- smile at the Irvin's!

Love ya babe!

Glad to have you back #24, good home run!

Water baby with her cousin Lacey

Hey Grandma and Grandpa:)

Amya and Aunt Jean

Happy family

Mommy and me!

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