Monday, October 20, 2008

Barter Faire

This was our fifth annual Barter Faire, of course it was only Amya's first! Wait, last year she was in my tummy for Barter Faire! It's like taking a step back in the 60's. Buy, sell, make deal! We had a great time...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I'm 8 months old!

Look at me in my new big girl seat!

see my tooth-bottom right!

Wow, the past 8 months have gone by so quick. We woke Amya up this morning singing Happy Birthday to her! She is turning into such a little girl. She has her first tooth, and is trying to get the whole crawling thing down, but doesn't quite get it yet. That's ok, we know when she starts to crawl we will forever be chasing after her! She is such a happy baby, constantly smiling, laughing and talking all day long! She also just started to clap, it is so cute. She started eating rice cereal on her 6 month birthday and is now eating "real food" as well. She loves her fruits and veges that mom makes fresh everyday! Amya is also drinking water out of a sippy cup, what a big girl! At her last appointment (about 1 month ago) she weighed 18lbs 5 oz. and was 22 inches long. She is probably closer to 20lbs now and she seems to be getting taller everyday. What a bundle of joy. Happy 8 month Birthday Amya!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hello from Keller...

Hey everyone,
I'm sure we are all missed at this point, being gone for so long! Don't worry we will be returning home soon. We are having a wonderful time at our home away from home visiting the parents. With Brian being on strike we figured this was the perfect opportunity to pack up and hit the road to beautiful Keller only 268 miles away from Seattle. The weather has been beautiful! We have been taking walks, building bonfires, picking apples, cooking delicious meals, scrapbooking, painting, drinking wine and we even found time after Indian tacos at the senior center to make it to the pumpkin patch! Amya picked out her favorite pumpkin and of course, we took lots of pictures. Here are just a few...ENJOY!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Salmon Days

Today Shannon, Jenny, Amya and I all went to Salmon Days... We had a blast, check out Amya's new hair clip! The lady I bought the clip from wants me to send these two pictures to her so she can post them on her website:) What a cutie Pie!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

We have a first!

Doing laundry with mommy

being creative with kitchen utensils=toys!

Going down the slide with mommy

Shoulder ride with daddy


Cool glasses!

playing on the slide

Swinging all by myself!

swinging with Daddy!

Amya has her first tooth! A couple of days ago I could see what I thought might be a tooth starting to appear. We couldn't feel anything, but I knew it was coming. Today after lunch I put my finger in her mouth and felt a itty bitty tooth! So cute! We went to Coulon Beach today for a nice stroll, here are a few pictures from our fun day, what a big girl...